The story of Carl Schmidt Sohn begins in 1829, when the former blacksmith Carl Schmidt and his son decided to manufacture swords in Solingen, Germany ("City of Blades“). Sophisticated design and modern shapes are perfectly joined together to create the Silver Line collection, made of only the best quality stainless steel and an ergonomic handle with satin finish.
The story of Carl Schmidt Sohn begins in 1829, when the former blacksmith Carl Schmidt and his son decided to manufacture swords in Solingen, Germany ("City of Blades“). Sophisticated design and...
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The story of Carl Schmidt Sohn begins in 1829, when the former blacksmith Carl Schmidt and his son decided to manufacture swords in Solingen, Germany ("City of Blades“). Sophisticated design and modern shapes are perfectly joined together to create the Silver Line collection, made of only the best quality stainless steel and an ergonomic handle with satin finish.